Virtual Escape Rooms

Caesar Cipher Secret Message Maker

Our Caesar cipher tool lets you create secret codes by shifting letters in the alphabet. For example, shifting by 3 turns “A” into “D.” You can choose how many letters to shift by choosing which letter will be substituted for “a”. It’s like creating your own secret code! This tool makes it easy to create and solve secret codes, adding a fun and educational twist to your escape room activities.
Caesar Cipher Encoder

Enter your shift rule for A. (a=?)
Directions: Type the letter "a" then whatever letter you would like "a" to equal. For example if you want the letters to shift two places then would equal c and you would type a=c.


Type your message below then click Encode:


Encoded Message:


Make your OWN Caesar Cipher Wheel!

A Caesar Cipher wheel is a tool that helps you encrypt and decrypt messages using the Caesar Cipher. It consists of two concentric circles with the alphabet on them, and a key that determines how much the inner circle is rotated. By aligning the letters on the circles, you can easily see which letter is replaced by which.

In this activity book you will learn how to make your own Caesar Cipher wheel using the printable pages provided and simple materials.

Whether you want to send a secret note to a friend, create a puzzle for your escape room, or just have fun with cryptography, this booklet will show you how to do it with your own Caesar Cipher wheel.

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